"White Christmas" is a 2014 Christmas special episode of the British science fiction anthology series Black Mirror. It was written by series creator and showrunner Charlie Brooker and directed by Carl Tibbetts, and first aired on Channel 4 on 16 December 2014. The only television special of the series, it was also the last episode to be aired on Channel 4, as the series would move to Netflix for its third series.
The episode starts with two men, Matt (Jon Hamm) and Joe (Rafe Spall), stationed at a remote outpost in the middle of a snowy wilderness. As they tell each other their respective lives to pass the time, those events are depicted on-screen, forming three mini-stories ultimately relating to the characters' current situation. Oona Chaplin and Natalia Tena co-star as two characters in these stories.
The episode received very positive reviews, with praise for the performances of Hamm and Spall, the writing, and the twist ending.
Episode no. | Episode 7 |
Directed by | Carl Tibbetts |
Written by | Charlie Brooker |
Featured music | Original Score by Jon Opstad |
Original air date | 16 December 2014 |
Running time | 74 minutes |
Guest appearance(s) | |
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